Tokyo Wars

New Arcade Game!


                        Reviewed by D!ck word #14

                       Re-reviewed by Panead/Strobe

Yep  Tokyo  wars is a pretty good arcade machine,D!ck,but it wasn't made
by  Sega  as  you  clearly  stated  several  times in your review,it was
actually done by NAMCO!......

As  D!ck  said  last  time  its based on the old favourite battlezone by
atari games many moons ago,but with improved graphixs'n'sound (well what
did you expect just a rehash.......)

The  next  bit  was  leeched from D!cks review as he did a good job last
time........(slighty altared)

The battle can take place in one of two areanas, the Bayside or Downtown
areas.   Both  locations are superbly drawn in the usual NAMCO!  style -
not  the  gritty  realism of Quake, more the well-drawn cartoon style of
every  other  NAMCO  game.The  tanks  look  great  and the atmosphere is
brilliant.   Both  locations  contain  lots  of  things to run over,like
containers, police cars and telephone booths, great fun.

The radar shows enemy units ahead of you, at the same time a voice cries
"Enemy  Tank  to the Rear", what do you do?  Easy!  Just swing round the
next  corner, barge right at the next but immediately pull back and left
so  that you're reversing back up the opposite way, the enemy tank comes
round  the  corner  expecting  to  see  you  haring up the Quayside, and
instead gets two shells right up the snout, blam blam!

Tokyo  wars  is  great fun, the machines are linked together, minimum of
two  players,  and you can play as a team or as opponents, the fun never
ends!   After  the  game  there  are  two  rankings,  one for which team
actually win and the other shows which player destroyed the most tanks.

George Dawes, what are the scores?

    Graphics        :   8/10  -  Samey NAMCO stuff, clear though.
    Sound           :   8/10  -  Just right, gets you going.
    Playability     :   9/10  -  Great,right for networking.
    Lastability     :   8/10  -  Definately one to play again.
    Presentation    :   7/10  -  Nice, easy to control but basic.
    Value           :   8/10  -  50p a go, well worth it.

                                 £1 a go on the big screen version
                                 which also jolts the seat every
                                 time a shot is fired.

    Overall         :   8/10  -  What a corker!

Sorry to correct you D!ck but somebody had too......
